10 Years As A Wedding Planner


Life is just a bunch of memories that make up our personal story, and by celebrating the milestones in life, we add punctuation to our story.

So having not been very good at celebrating milestones,- or good at punctuation, I thought it was about time to add an exclamation mark to our story a couple of weeks ago, by celebrating Danish Island weddings’ 10 year anniversary!

The last few days leading up to the celebration were spent being interviewed by the local press, and prepping our seaside venue, Strandskoven, with my mother and Mira.

We invited our collaborators, family and friends to Strandskoven to toast the 10 years gone by, and in the preparations and speechwriting process, I was surprised at how the whole thing was rather more emotional than I had expected. No matter how prepared I thought I was, the thank you’ s still brought out the wobbles! I think it’s the moment of pure gratitude, and the realization that you couldn’t or wouldn’t have wanted to do any of it alone!

Photos by Camilla Jørvad

PressLouise Moloney